Thursday, December 28, 2006

O' Tannenbaum, O' Tannenbaum
As we were scheduled to be in town for Christmas this year, we decided to get ourselves a proper Christmas tree. Our very first! Todd thought it might be fun to start a family tradition of chopping down our own tree, so off we went to a Christmas Tree Farm in Maryland. Our dear friend (and secret Christmas tree fanatic) Ben Shaw joined the fun.
The 60 degree weather didn't make it feel so Christmasy...
"This looks like a good specimen..."
Of course you know who wound up doing all the real work...

All in a day's work for Henry.

Papa's right hand helper.

Don't worry! We made sure to drive real slow on the highway, and Henry was pretty well fastened...

Funny side note: the sweet old farmer who owned the Christmas Tree Farm, said that he had never, EVER, seen a Christmas tree so well secured to the top of a car as ours was.

Go knot nerds, Ben and Todd!

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