Friday, February 02, 2007

Our Lil' Girl Growin Up!
So we've been to the pediatrician a couple of times with Loretta, and she's gained 8 ounces and grown TWO WHOLE INCHES!! How many inches have YOU gained recently? (holiday weight doesn't count)

Uncle Richie's visit excites Loretta to no end.
Baby power!
Entranced by Gabriella's beauty as Ben and Henry look on.

I've been in bed with a nasty bout of Mastitis for the past two days. Feeling like Dolly Parton with super-painful glass ta-tas. Thank god for painkillers and thank god for my sister Estela who calmly diagnosed me as Todd and I screamed into the phone. We're very lucky to be surrounded by wonderful neighbors and friends who pitched in to help with Mr. Henry H. Higgins-Pickleworth-Jones.

I seem to be on the mend.

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