Saturday, September 15, 2007

Central Casting
Here is Henry at Children's Hospital getting his cast put on. If he looks relaxed, it's because he was totally asleep. No they didn't knock him out, it was just nap time.
This is Terry, cast putter-onner extraordinaire. Here Terry adds the final layer of fiberglass in the color Henry had chosen earlier. Something subtle.
Almost done!
Back at home and living the cast life! Papa carefully reads the cast care instructions. (avoid grape jelly in the cast, etc.)
The time-honored tradition!
Scott, Danielle, and Frankie are the first to sign.
Frankie autographs the fiberglass.
So now we have three weeks of dealing with the cast until it comes off. Loretta's up for it!

1 comment:

Documama said...

He's going to hate giving up that cast with all the signatures!