Hangin' With The Mt. P Homeys
Now that our time in DC is drawing to a close, I see all the sweet moments with our friends here in a different, bittersweet light. I know our friendships will continue, but it won't be the same as popping in and out of each other homes, impromptu moments, helping each other with our little ones at this intense time in our lives when were are overkidsed and underpatienced, as Erma Bombeck used to write. Here's some random moments when friends stopped in from next door or down the street.
How many Lamont Street kids can you fit on one bed?
Or one crib?
Two beautiful Mt. P moms. That's Royce on the right, and Kristen holding Gavin. Beer and brownies night must live on somehow!
One lazy Sunday morning, we enjoyed a visit from Malika, Sage and Jonah.
When Frankie came over, Todd helped the kids to make cookies.
Too many chefs may spoil the soup, but they definitely help make cookie batter lump-free.
Same kids, same kitchen, different day and project. This time it was making lemonade.
Henry CAN NOT BELIEVE Loretta is spiking the lemonade.
But I can.
Lemonade is even better when you add a few raspberries.