Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Friends From Hither And Yon
One thing we will surely miss about DC if we ever move away is the fact that so many people we know and love happen to pass through here. Recently, we've had a spate of ne'er do wells, er, old friends come over to visit.

Pete Kope got to know Loretta. And she got to know his cell phone.

Pete doing his best Luciano Pavarotti impersonation. Michele seems unimpressed. These two professional dancers are hard at work on their next production. Their little baby boy is due this summer.

Dr. Kevin Kinser stopped by to hang out with us, although Henry seems to be doing most of the hanging around courtesy of Tom.

It was great fun seeing Kev and having him get to know our kids.

World traveler Lisa Doherty took a mini-break from globetrotting to come see us.

She is back in Chengdu, China now, teaching English to college students.

A fabulous photo of the fabulous Trevor Colas.

Which makes up for this one of Aaron and Todd.

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