Tuesday, July 11, 2006

When Henry ain't picking up chicks in bars (post below),
he's picking up chicks in parks.
Here he is with a bevy of beauties at Sophie's birthday party.

Celebrating Italy's win by doing some chin-ups.

(note the old man's store behind his right shoulder)



Anonymous said...

This is a really cute site !

I bookmarked it immediately and will visit it frequently !

Hope to see more pictures of you and Henry (and the newcommer) here more often.

One question though. Did you use the same camera for all the pictures ? and if yes why u needed to change the date format from American to European ?


Anonymous said...

Finally, a OddTodd weblog! This is the sort of thing that I can really dig into.

I look forward to reading more about your adventures in rearing your child who is (as I understand it) built of of hardware.

Anonymous said...

This stuff about the kids is really cute, but blogs are intended for political outbursts and the spread of self-important opinions. When will this more substantial content be added to the blog? We need to know, what do Todd and Aud think about this Korean missile situation! What would you do if you were not an unknown person with no power or influence and precious little actual information on the topic!

Love, James

Kelly Bowers said...

What would you do if you were not an unknown person with no power or influence and precious little actual information on the topic!

Why, James, she'd be President of the United States.

Kelly Bowers said...

OK, you got me hooked on your blog and I'm now *needing* my Henry fix and you're not keeping up! More pix, more pix, more pix!!

(A fan club can be sooooo demanding.)